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A simple Wheel of Fortune style game.


Lucky Wheel is a simple Wheel Of Fortune style game. Select how much you want to play (up to 10,000 L3P) and press the button. You can win up to eight times your stake. That’s it. If you win, the winnings are instantly deposited directly as SL3P (Leprichain L3P) back to your wallet. The smart contract randomizes according to the fixed drop rates, which are published in the help section. 


To play, you need to own L3P (which you can buy on Uniswap). Then you need to stake your L3P as SL3P on Leprichain (which you can do here). And then visit Lepricon City and load up the game. The first time you play, you will need to approve the game to access your wallet. At this time, Leprichain only works with MetaMask. A link in the sidebar menu will take you to the block explorer so that you can look at each transaction. 

Take a Spin

Set Sail On Adventures to Win L3P

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